if it doesn’t exist then create backup
prod tar
-czvf prod_backp.tar.gz /d01/oracle/prod/
3. copy backup scp
-r thu_prod.tar.gz oracle@
4. du –sh check size file
5. df –h to check Space ..file for ex: write cd / now write df –h
6. ls –ltr rights checked
chown -R oracle:oinstall /opt/*
chmod -R 777 /opt/*
chown -R oracle:oinstall /opt/*
chmod -R 777 /opt/*
7. Extract Backup tar -xzf thu_prod.tar.gz where
the extracted file exists
8. Make directory (for example on test
where clone is to be made) d01/oracle ..
mkdir clone06
9. Now go to backup cd /d01/backup
10. Now ‘ls’ to check whether the extracted file folder exist.. cd d01..then cd oracle… then cd PROD…then
11. mv filename(apps) to
/d01/oracle/clone06 (to new clone created) (move db and inst the same way)
12. Cloning for R12.2.x check existing instance edition file system e.g run file edition, patch file edition (fs1 or fs2)
13. Backup copy to target system and run file system e.g fs1 remove extra files fs2, FMW_home, inst then change location to orainventory e.g /opt/oracle/TEST03
14. Go to path ora_inst location cd /opt/oracle/TEST03/db/tech_st/11.2.0/
vi oraInst.loc then change /opt/oracle/oraInventory to base directory e.g /opt/oracle/TEST03/oraInventory.
12. Cloning for R12.2.x check existing instance edition file system e.g run file edition, patch file edition (fs1 or fs2)
13. Backup copy to target system and run file system e.g fs1 remove extra files fs2, FMW_home, inst then change location to orainventory e.g /opt/oracle/TEST03
14. Go to path ora_inst location cd /opt/oracle/TEST03/db/tech_st/11.2.0/
vi oraInst.loc then change /opt/oracle/oraInventory to base directory e.g /opt/oracle/TEST03/oraInventory.
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