function convert_number (in_numeral integer := 0) return varchar2 is
number_too_large exception;
numeral integer := abs(trunc(in_numeral));
max_digit integer := 12; -- for numbers less than a trillion
number_text varchar2(580) := ''; -- Lenght increased from 240 to 480 for UTF8
current_segment varchar2(80);
b_zero varchar2(80); -- Lenght increased to 80 for UTF8
b_thousand varchar2(80); -- Lenght increased to 80 for UTF8
thousand number := power(10,3);
b_million varchar2(80) ; -- Lenght increased to 80 for UTF8
million number := power(10,6);
b_billion varchar2(80); -- Lenght increased to 80 for UTF8
billion number := power(10,9);
v_paisa_amount number ;
v_paisa_char varchar2(100);
function convert_number (segment number) return varchar2 is
value_text varchar2(80);
value_text := to_char( to_date(segment,'YYYY'),'Yyyysp');
select abs(round(mod(in_numeral,trunc(in_numeral)) * 100)) into v_paisa_amount from dual;
if numeral >= power(10,max_digit) then
raise number_too_large;
end if;
-- Here u can use Billion, Million, Thousand in place of query
select ' '||lc1.displayed_field||' ',
' '||lc2.displayed_field||' ',
' '||lc3.displayed_field||' ',
' '||lc4.displayed_field
into b_billion,
from ap_lookup_codes lc1,
ap_lookup_codes lc2,
ap_lookup_codes lc3,
ap_lookup_codes lc4
where lc1.lookup_code = 'BILLION'
and lc1.lookup_type = 'NLS TRANSLATION'
and lc2.lookup_code = 'MILLION'
and lc2.lookup_type = 'NLS TRANSLATION'
and lc3.lookup_code = 'THOUSAND'
and lc3.lookup_type = 'NLS TRANSLATION'
and lc4.lookup_code = 'ZERO'
and lc4.lookup_type = 'NLS TRANSLATION';
if numeral = 0 then
end if;
current_segment := trunc(numeral/billion);
numeral := numeral - (current_segment * billion);
if current_segment != 0 then
number_text := number_text||convert_number(current_segment)||b_billion;
end if;
current_segment := trunc(numeral/million);
numeral := numeral - (current_segment * million);
if current_segment != 0 then
number_text := number_text||convert_number(current_segment)||b_million;
end if;
current_segment := trunc(numeral/thousand);
numeral := numeral - (current_segment * thousand);
if current_segment != 0 then
number_text := number_text||convert_number(current_segment)||b_thousand;
end if;
if numeral != 0 then
number_text := number_text||convert_number(numeral);
end if;
number_text := substr(number_text,1,1) ||
rtrim(lower(substr(number_text,2,NVL(length(number_text), 0))));
if v_paisa_amount != 0 then
v_paisa_char := to_char( to_date(v_paisa_amount,'YYYY'),'Yyyysp');
number_text := number_text||' And '||v_paisa_char||' Paisas';
end if;
number_text := number_text || ' Only ';
RETURN NULL; exception
when number_too_large then
when others then
number_too_large exception;
numeral integer := abs(trunc(in_numeral));
max_digit integer := 12; -- for numbers less than a trillion
number_text varchar2(580) := ''; -- Lenght increased from 240 to 480 for UTF8
current_segment varchar2(80);
b_zero varchar2(80); -- Lenght increased to 80 for UTF8
b_thousand varchar2(80); -- Lenght increased to 80 for UTF8
thousand number := power(10,3);
b_million varchar2(80) ; -- Lenght increased to 80 for UTF8
million number := power(10,6);
b_billion varchar2(80); -- Lenght increased to 80 for UTF8
billion number := power(10,9);
v_paisa_amount number ;
v_paisa_char varchar2(100);
function convert_number (segment number) return varchar2 is
value_text varchar2(80);
value_text := to_char( to_date(segment,'YYYY'),'Yyyysp');
select abs(round(mod(in_numeral,trunc(in_numeral)) * 100)) into v_paisa_amount from dual;
if numeral >= power(10,max_digit) then
raise number_too_large;
end if;
-- Here u can use Billion, Million, Thousand in place of query
select ' '||lc1.displayed_field||' ',
' '||lc2.displayed_field||' ',
' '||lc3.displayed_field||' ',
' '||lc4.displayed_field
into b_billion,
from ap_lookup_codes lc1,
ap_lookup_codes lc2,
ap_lookup_codes lc3,
ap_lookup_codes lc4
where lc1.lookup_code = 'BILLION'
and lc1.lookup_type = 'NLS TRANSLATION'
and lc2.lookup_code = 'MILLION'
and lc2.lookup_type = 'NLS TRANSLATION'
and lc3.lookup_code = 'THOUSAND'
and lc3.lookup_type = 'NLS TRANSLATION'
and lc4.lookup_code = 'ZERO'
and lc4.lookup_type = 'NLS TRANSLATION';
if numeral = 0 then
end if;
current_segment := trunc(numeral/billion);
numeral := numeral - (current_segment * billion);
if current_segment != 0 then
number_text := number_text||convert_number(current_segment)||b_billion;
end if;
current_segment := trunc(numeral/million);
numeral := numeral - (current_segment * million);
if current_segment != 0 then
number_text := number_text||convert_number(current_segment)||b_million;
end if;
current_segment := trunc(numeral/thousand);
numeral := numeral - (current_segment * thousand);
if current_segment != 0 then
number_text := number_text||convert_number(current_segment)||b_thousand;
end if;
if numeral != 0 then
number_text := number_text||convert_number(numeral);
end if;
number_text := substr(number_text,1,1) ||
rtrim(lower(substr(number_text,2,NVL(length(number_text), 0))));
if v_paisa_amount != 0 then
v_paisa_char := to_char( to_date(v_paisa_amount,'YYYY'),'Yyyysp');
number_text := number_text||' And '||v_paisa_char||' Paisas';
end if;
number_text := number_text || ' Only ';
RETURN NULL; exception
when number_too_large then
when others then
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